List of boredom sites
I constantly find myself being bored and I don’t know whether it’s because I have almost no hobbies or if I just spoil myself, but I cannot stand it. Being bored is like getting tortured for me. It’s a state of mind in which you experience no pain, but you still cannot tolerate it.
In today’s technology-driven world, a lot of us find ourselves drawn in into non-productive things like listening to music, texting, using Facebook, Twitter, etc, or using our smartphones, and while these activities are a great way to pass the time, many of us often find ourselves too indulged in them.
We have 86,400 seconds in a day or 24 hours, of which 7-8 hours are spent sleeping. That leaves 16 hours for us to use. If you can just devote 1 hour of those 16 hours into doing something productive then in an entire year you will have allocated 365 hours doing productive things.
Here is a list of things you can do with those 365 hours:
Videos and Lectures:
- Khan Academy – Learn school subjects from Math to Science to Humanities.
- Academic Earth – Similar to Khan Academy
- iTunesU – Downloadable college courses from some of the best professors in the world, for free.
- Open Yale Courses – Free Yale university courses.
- MIT Open Courseware – Free MIT university courses.
- Duolingo – Learn languages
- Learn More, Study Less – How to learn things better while simultaneously studying less
- MeetYourSweet – Dating tips and advice
- TV Tropes – Addicting site about writing fiction
- Chess – Play chess against other players or against a computer
- AudioBooksForFree – Listen to audio books completely free
- Sporcle – Stimulating brain games